With a myriad of hose reel applications, making sure that the right hose reel, and its constituent method of retraction are suited for the job is important and in this short blog, we will have a look at one particular application where ensuring the correct reel is supplied is paramount to keeping the show on the road.

A constant tension application is defined as such when there is force consistently applied against the hose reel via the hose and operation, whether this is a crane that requires a length of hose to be extracted for a period of time then returned, or for example a hydraulic arm.
In the case of a crane or boom operation, a reel must be selected that allows for the extraction of the hose, and consequent return of hose without an operator, for this style of application a spring return reel is selected as the spring allows for tension to be applied constantly to the hosing both during the pay out and retrieval of hose, making sure that the correct reel is selected plays a large role also in site safety, keeping any sagging hose away from machinery or operators.
Most importantly for a hose reel to be supplied a few factors must be considered:
- Firstly, the duty cycle I.E. How many times must the hose be paid out, and retrieved, and how often, and for how long?
- Secondly, will there be a tool attached to the hosing?
- Thirdly, what is the medium or fluid passing through the hose?
- Fourthly, the direction in which the hosing will be travelling, if the hose will be supported?
- And lastly any environmental factors which may corrode, or disturb the operation.
These are just a few of the key factors which we must consider prior to advising on a hose reel, but by providing the team at Reel-Tech with enough information about the hose, application and environment, we can help provide a reel that will endure the rigours of your unique operation, and ultimately outperform your expectations!
By Cale Hart | January 19th, 2021 | Hose Reels - Mining - Quarry